Ladies of Colour initiating better global opportunities
Ladies of Colour initiating better global opportunities
“Women are leaders everywhere that you look.
They take the risks in order to move forward.
From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home.
From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants.
From the self employed to the salaried.
Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit.
We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.”
Charlotte Cepal
Are you willing? Are you able? Are you ready?
Diaspora and Expat Ladies of Colour International Group (DELOCIG). Entrepreneurial, diaspora, expat, ladies of colour who can help you forge opportunities or assist you in other ways within the foreign country that they reside within. A group of ladies as like-minded as you, to aid your personal and professional well-being.
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
Michele Obama
What are your hurdles?
It is possible that you are also seeking a diaspora, expat lady of colour who can help you forge marketing opportunities or assist you in other ways within the foreign country that they reside within. That you
would feel better served by acquiring a connection to a diaspora, expat lady of colour who can understand you and assist you. Rather than hoping that someone else who bears little or no understanding of your culture or mindset, cuts corners in providing a service and does not provide the professionalism that you had hoped from them.
Particularly when the help needed is towards the furtherance of yourself and/or your business.
Accessing the solution
Sometimes you just want to be signposted directly to a synergy of people who can help you. Who can understand you. Who know where you are coming from and where you are looking to go. Sometimes you just want to be helped in the way that feels right for you. Sometimes you simply want to offer help through your experiences and knowledge to others,
who are like-minded as you and are lost on their journey through all sorts of distractions.
Here is where you have the possibility to galvanise, link and enable mutually beneficial opportunities to connect to other ladies of colour:
1. of diaspora and Commonwealth heritage,
2. who are expats living outside of their birth country.
YOU Inspire. YOU Excite. YOU are Actionable. This is your group of diaspora, expat, ladies without borders.
We also have a sister organisation. Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group.
Membership is FREE until April 2018. Cost: GBP £41 (Annual)
Want to know more about DELOCIG click on the link provided.
"‘I can’t’ are two words that have never been in my vocabulary. I believe in me more than anything in this world."
Wilma Rudolph
Wilma Rudolph
Connect. Connect. Then connect more.
✮You are a piece of the mosiac.
✮You are the connection.
✮You are the key to change.
✮You step up & step forward.
#DELOCIG #diasporaconnections #diasporaladies #diasporaprofessionals #diasporaexpats #diasporawealth #diasporainternationals #diasporaentrepreneurs #diasporabusiness #diasporapower #diasporawellbeing
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