Diaspora, Expat Ladies of Colour: Regardless of the century, Black wealthy women DO exist

Diaspora and Expat Ladies of Colour International Group


"Women are leaders everywhere that you look.
They take the risks in order to move forward.
From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home.
From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants.
From the self employed to the salaried.
Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit.
We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes."
Charlotte Cepal

Regardless of the century....
Black wealthy women DO exist.

They have existed. They are a reality. They are existing across various industry sectors.

What the masses across all social levels are ready to accept as fact, is greatly dependent upon their own life experiences coupled with family and community taboos.

So the question of whether Black wealthy women do exist? The answer is a resounding YES. Wealthy meaning multi millionairess’ and billionairess’.

Be sure that as Black wealthy women they are exceptional in their:

  • strength of character

  • strength of moral compassion

  • strength to be different

  • leadership roles in their own right

Black women in business initiate better global opportunities. Black women in business are growing businesses and multiplying wealth. They operate at a high moral compass level and are tenacious in achieving their vision. Whether they tread a path well trodden, or, tread a path being constructed with each step that they take.

To get to where they are has taken an inordinate strength mentally, physically and spiritually. They cross geographical boundaries reaching out to other women; regardless of race, colour, class, creed, religion and sexual orientation, who aspire to be like them.

These incredibly wealthy women enable the ability to keep learning about what they do and who they are. They couple the wealth with their ability to appreciate, have gratitude and give thanks.

Black wealthy women are not defined by anyone. They define themselves. These multi millionairess’ and billionairess’ are who they are and what they are. They hold no apology for it. They understand how special and unique they are as women. As wealthy Black global decision makers.

Excellence is the best deterrent to racism and sexism.”
Oprah Winfrey

Wait a moment…….. this article eludes a very important question.

The question at the forefront of your mind should always be who do they turn to for support in their business life. In their personal life. If you knew where the support came from surely you too would be able to acquire such wealth?

(Want to discover further about 7 Figure+ income women, including the transitions to ‘more’ that they have gained? Take a look here at the various ways that they tap into success.)

Want to know more about DELOCIG click on the link provided.

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
Oprah Winfrey

Connect. Connect. Then connect more with like-minded ladies.


You are a piece of the mosiac.

You are the connection.

You are the key to change.

You step up & step forward.

#DELOCIG  #diasporaconnections  #diasporaladies  #diasporaprofessionals  #diasporaexpats  #diasporawealth  #diasporainternationals  #diasporaentrepreneurs  #diasporabusiness  #diasporapower  #diasporawellbeing


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