Diaspora, Expat Ladies of Colour: Having one foot in yesterday
Diaspora and Expat Ladies of Colour International Group
"Women are leaders everywhere that you look.
They take the risks in order to move forward.
From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home.
From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants.
From the self employed to the salaried.
Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit.
We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes."
Charlotte Cepal
Diaspora, Expat Ladies of Colour: Having one foot in yesterday.
You excel at being you. Cultivated. Accomplished. Focused. Personable. Down to Earth. You are a diaspora, expat lady of colour living within a different culture and seeking connections to other like-minded professional ladies of colour residing in a similar situation.
You excel at being you, so why when you live so comfortably do you feel the need for having one foot in yesterday like an anchor. Could it be that you do not want to forget all the yesterdays. That your way of feeling connected to the yesterday’s is at times listening to music that touches you deeply, so much so that it grounds you. It grounds your reality. It grounds the truth of who you actually are without anyone knowing. The music acts as a source of therapy. The music allows you a range of emotions from an abyss of sadness to absolute happiness. Throughout the gamut of emotions you feel levels of being in love, or, rejection from love. The tears can pour out, the voices in your head can scream out, your body cannot fail to hide what you are truly experiencing in the presence of others.
You remember your youth. A long time ago in another time and space where you experienced the trials and tribulations of growing up and finding your feet. The secret relationships. The secret of secrets. The ones that stay looked away yet are unlocked when you listen to certain music that hold the key to their freedom. Enabling the freedom of the sense of yesterday to do emotional harm, to wound you, to give you a kick up the backside, to delight you, to make you giddy with joy, plus more. This is the yesterday that you hold on to. Not only do you listen to the music, but you also tap along to it, hum along with it, dance along to it, sing along with it. Living the words with each bar of music. Delving into a reminiscence of abuse, sorrow, sadness, loneliness, happiness, bliss, joy, love, control and guilt. Shining one moment and wanting to cringe the next. Bringing you back to that point in time and space. Making it yesterday once more.
Sometimes you look back and want that past. When the good times make you yearn for them, making today seem sad because so much has changed over time. At other times you look back and thank God for being able to move on. Longing to run away from the melodies of the memories because of the overwhelm. From the clarity of the ‘not so good’ old days that run amok in your head and bring you anxiety in every fibre of your body.
You excel at being you, so why when you live so comfortably do you feel the need for having one foot in yesterday like an anchor.
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"Whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free . . . your true self comes out."
Tina Turner
Tina Turner
Do you truly feel the need for having one foot in yesterday?
✮You are a piece of the mosiac.
✮You are the connection.
✮You are the key to change.
✮You step up & step forward.
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